Quin-T-Essential Mindful Mum Method.

This method takes Mum through the 5 T’s that are essential…

…to become a more Mindful, Present and Peaceful Mum and are shared over the following 5 steps.

Step 1. Theme Your Values

Your values help you discover your passions and the things that are most important for you to focus on.

Step 2. Tailor Your Goals

Get specific on what direction you want to take as your path will allow for your whole family to enjoy your adventures with you.

Step 3. Tame Your Timeline

Access the quantum field and heal traumas from your past, past lives and your ancestral lines so that you can create a healthier future for all of your descendants.

Step 4. Target Your Beliefs

So often in life we walk around in a daze not even aware of what our beliefs are, our beliefs drive our decisions, by being aware you will manifest your best life.

Step 5. Triumph Over Your Limiting Beliefs

When we become aware of our beliefs we often discover that we developed beliefs in the past that served a purpose, they may have protected us at a vulnerable time. The final step in the Quintessential Mindful Mum Method will have you feeling a new found freedom.

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Want to learn more about how you can become a Quin-T Essential Mindful Mum.

What Other Mum’s Are Saying

“After a session with Alanna, I found myself more grounded with my son. Working from home, doing meetings meant I have had to juggle family life too.

II noticed a level of resilience and calm I haven't felt for some time, allowing me to be more compassionate to him. And just as importantly, be okay with compassion towards me.

Thanks, Alanna, it has made all the difference for our family!”

— Shae. W, WA

“Learning new ways to cope in life with the kids has been challenging especially having a husband who's grown up in the trucking industry.

I have learnt a lot with in my self as well as characteristics of. My children. That I've never seen before. 100% recommend doing the course Alanna is so supportive especially when you get of track like I do..”

— Natalie P, VIC

“The dedicated approach to everyone’s individual needs that Alanna has is amazingly beautiful, admirable & both inspirational & aspirational!

I am thankful for the patience ~ I have yet to actually finish the Happy Bush Kids Method and the Quin-T-Essential mum, but they are both full of amazing new information, a better look at things you have already learnt in your past and a great reminder for things you really should hold in higher value! (Like YOURSELF!)”

— Inspired Mumma, WA


Happy Bush Kids Practitioner Program


Raising Happy Bush Kids Method