Abbie - Abbie Marie Self Love Academy

Helping women to live a life of passion, purpose & feeling ALIVE, without anxieties, fear or doubt

Abbie Marie is a highly passionate Self Worth Healer, healing women all over Australia who feel stuck, who are diminishing their own self worth and self love because of their past.

Abbie has healed herself of Low Self Worth, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Clinical Anxiety, Depression and OCD. Abbie is no longer living a life of suffering anymore and is deeply committed to empowering others with a collection of powerful tools creating long lasting results.

Abbie is the founder and trainer of the ALIVE Self Worth program which basically is one of the first in the world where it really addresses Self-Worth and feeling stuck on both a mind, body and spirit level.

We teach you, the instructor, to release and heal your own self worth and self love. Once you have healed yourself we will teach you how to heal your clients.
We look at your unconscious mind and your conscious mind using a mixture of Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming and Timeline Transformation, and also your values and really start to get to the bottom of what is holding you back right now.

Together we will Release your past, anxiety, fear, pain and guilt to reclaim your life, your passion and purpose. So you can guide and heal others to release their past and pain.

Are you ready to live the life you truly desire, feeling happy, confident and ALIVE?


Natalie - Happy Bush Kids Practitioner


Aisha - Taymisha