I’m ashamed

I’m ashamed

When I began travelling overseas as a child and then again in my 20’s I would always make an effort to learn some of the local language of the people living there and immerse myself in their culture.

It wasn’t until my mid thirties before I began to learn the language and truly immerse myself in the culture, of the people who have continuously lived here on the land where my husband and sons were born & I’ve been living for the last 16 years, Noongar Boodja!

Do you know what the good thing is about shame, if you don’t wallow in it, that is?

It gives us an indication that we are ready for growth, ready to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

As each day passes, we are another day closer to leaving Noongar Boodja to travel to the country my Mother and I were born on, D’harawal/Tharawal country.

On the way to see family, in their time of healing, I will take my sons through the 4 other lands which I grew up on, I never learned the traditional languages, I never knew their unique lores and culture.

It is my goal to connect with as many Elders and Mob of the lands we pass through to give myself and my boys an understanding that I didn’t, but should have seeked out much sooner.

We will be leaving Noongar Boodja via the Eyre Highway, Stuart Highway, detouring South on the Hume Highway to visit friends before heading North to Dad’s ‘Home Base’ in Goulburn, Then onto see the rest of the family in Wollongong.

I think the lands we will be going through after Noongar Boodja include; Kaalamaya/Kalaakga, Ngadjumaya/Ngadjanmaia, Marlpa, Mirniny, Wirangu, Nauo, Parnkalla/Banggarla, Nukunu, Ngaduri, Meru, Latje Latje, Kureinji, Wann-gal, Muthi Muthi/Madi Madi, Nari-Nari & finally the lands I spent my youth Wiradjuri, Gundungarra & D’harawal/Tharawal.

For anyone who knows this route please feel free to correct those traditional lands we will be passing through.

For my growth and for my kids to grow up with an attitude that they can be proud of, we would love your assistance!

Can you recommend any mob on our adventure to connect with?

To teach us the land, their language & culture so we can get to know this country in a deeper more fulfilling way.


Be grateful for the things that happen FOR YOU and not TO YOU…. (Part 2)


New Toy